Procedures for Joining Health Tech Net
Health Tech Net is an informal organization with
the purpose of educating its members on the latest developments in healthcare technology, in a friendly, roundtable setting, conducive to interaction and networking. We charge $225 a year in dues to members who come regularly in hopes that this token commitment will promote regular attendance at our meetings, thereby enabling us to secure quality programs and speakers. Essentially, the $225 contribution covers the costs of providing lunch at the meetings and other incidental expenses.
Those interested in the organization are welcome to attend one or two meetings as a guest to see if they would like to join and continue to attend. Further participation should be through membership status.
To apply for membership, please download and complete the HealthTech Net Member Information Form from the button below. In addition, to the extent you elect to post your information on our Membership Profiles page, please provide a brief description of your value proposition and/or bio that you would like posted along with your HealthTech Net Member Information Form. Updates to Member Profiles may be submitted at any time to
Download the Membership Profile Form
Then mail the completed Member Profile with a check for $225 made out to “Healthcare Technology Network” to:
David C. Main
9008 Potomac Forest Drive
Great Falls, VA. 22066
Questions? Please contact Mr. Main at