Membership Profiles

Scott A. Mason  Back
Managing Partner
SKM Advisors, LLC
Voice: 240-988-6000
Cell: 240-988-6800
Position Description / Responsibilities:

The focus of Scott’s strategy engagements has evolved over the years from aggregating regional hospital systems (more than $20 billion in hospital mergers and 35 health systems formed) to post-merger integration following these initial mergers. Scott was an early pioneer advocating for clinical service line planning and development, including physician integration strategies. Recently, his focus has shifted toward improving the patient experience through community-based ambulatory care and related retail strategies. Examples of his work include the following: » Development of a fourth-generation strategic plan and related board retreat for a large, independent hospital » Completion of a real estate strategic plan and portfolio analysis for a new three-hospital system with more than 1 million square feet of medical office space, mostly off cam-pus » Implementation of a 10-year strategic planning/visioning process for a $2 billion regional health system

Company / Organization Profile

Scott is a recognized thought leader in healthcare strategy. A trusted adviser to executive teams and boards of emerging health systems, he has established himself as one of the industry’s prominent voices in dealing with health reform. Scott’s ability to understand key trends and their implications has allowed him to lead enterprise strategic planning efforts for a variety of health organizations and systems. His bias for action has translated into repeat client work with more than 400 organizations in 40 states.