Our March Health TechNet meeting featured a dynamic and nationally known speaker, Dr. Kevin Fickenscher, Executive VP of Perot Systems, who presented and led a discussion on key trends in healthcare, including consolidation of resources at the corporate level and the implications of a growing global workforce at the provider and vendor levels. He was joined by Kathleen Catalano, director of Perot Systems' Clinical Solutions Center.
Kevin discussed such issues as the implications of increasingly offshore operations, the "new physician" and the increased role of large medical groups, the new uses of economic incentives such as payments for efficiency and quality, the overarching role of current information and data, and tactics for coping in a very rapidly changing international environment.
Dr. Fickenscher is a leading physician management expert, and has provided leadership for various organizations relating to technology and information management, organizational transformation and development, clinical quality and resource management.
We also heard updates on the recent HIMSS conference and discussed other key developments affecting healthcare technology.
Dr. Fickenscher's power point is attached.