Our April 19 meeting of Health TechNet was held at Nelson Mullins’ Ninth floor conference room overlooking the U.S. Capitol.
The program focused on information and technology needs for new models of care delivery, specifically on Medicare’s new Global Pricing model, and operations and information needs to support global pricing. Our primary speaker was Marty Brutscher, Executive Vice President and Principal of McBee Associates, a national health care consulting firm. During his nearly 30 years in health care, Mr. Brutscher has worked with more than 50 hospitals, home care companies and large health systems across the country on consulting engagements designed to improve efficiency, reduce expenses and increase profits. He routinely speaks at various national, regional and local conferences and has authored articles for HFMA, AAHAM and other national and local organizations.
We also had representatives of local hospital systems which are involved in ACOs comment on the status of development efforts, as well as attorneys from Nelson Mullins speak about the legal and regulatory parameters being navigated in ACO development.