Our May meeting of Health TechNet was held on Friday, May 18 at Nelson Mullins’ offices in Washington, D.C.
The feature topic was new opportunities, developments, and challenges in the use of telemedicine and related technologies in virtual health. Increasingly, hospital systems, especially those serving rural areas, are sponsoring comprehensive telemedicine and virtual health systems. A number of hospitals have entered into formal partnerships with other systems such as the Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic to treat patients and perform consults electronically. There are new developments to deal with these trends in reimbursement, regulations, licensing, and corporate organization.
To steer our discussion of these issues, we had three speakers: 1) Dr. Til Jolly of SOC Telemed (formerly “Specialists on Call)-- see https://www.soctelemed.com/ 2) Dr. Margaret Cary of the Cary Group, who specializes in physician leadership training see-- https://thecarygroupglobal.com/resources/ and 3) Nelson Mullins healthcare partner Trish Markus, an expert in regulatory and corporate issues in healthcare-- see https://www.nelsonmullins.com/people/patricia-markus#main. Each provided operational and implementation experience on the topic, as did many members of the group, whose thoughts and comments were insightful.