Our July Health TechNet meeting focused on various parts of the ARRA legislation and its impact on the healthcare IT community, as two Washington-area providers told us of their activities in response to HIT incentives and otherwise plan to upgrade their technologies.
The meeting featured the presentations of Doug Abel, Chief Information Officer, and Dr. Pat Czapp from Ann Arundel Medical Center who talked about their ongoing implementation and rollout of the Epic EMR at their hospital and within the physician community. We also had a presentation from Dawn Richmond of Medstar Information Technologies, who is responsible for implementing Ambulatory EMRs for the Medstar physician community. All the speakers provided us with an overview on their implementation plans, timelines, and strategies, and how they are planning to take ARRA reimbursement into consideration in their respective environments.
There was also an active discussion on the many important Congressional developments on healthcare reform, and the continued evolution of regulations and definitions under the stimulus bill, such as "meaningful use."
Presentations of the speakers are attached.