Our September Health TechNet meeting focused on Comparative Effectiveness and Evidence-based Medicine.
The meeting featured the presentations of John Cuddeback, M.D., PhD, Chief Medical Informatics Officer Anceta • AMGA’s Collaborative Data Warehouse, American Medical Group Association; and Joel Goldwein, M.D, Vice President of Medical Affairs, Electa / IMPAC Medical Systems. While the healthcare reform debate and legislation has focused on who will pay for increased access and benefits, there has been relatively little focused discussion regarding which treatments (plans of care) work and which don't work. Both of our speakers provided us with their perspectives on available methodologies to address these questions, how they related to major categories such as chronic care, cancer and behavior-driven disease.
There was also an active discussion on the many important Congressional and White House developments on healthcare reform, and the continued evolution of regulations and definitions under the stimulus bill, such as "meaningful use."
Presentations of the speakers are attached.